Cyber Monday Video Game Deals 2019: Wal-Mart

Posted by Manish Pandey On Sunday 27 November 2011 7 comments

Wal-Mart's Cyber Week Online Specials are looking pretty slim in the video games department right now, but if you play your cards right, you can still get a console bundle at a good price.
If you're buying a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 online at Wal-Mart's website, the ads for their bundles will show extra titles like Batman: Arkham City packed-in, but there's a catch. For the Xbox 360 Holiday Gamer Bundle, you get to pick a "top-selling" title for free, but make sure they have the one you want. Same thing goes for the PS3 Complete Entertainment Bundle -- if you have a "Greatest Hits" title in mind, make sure it's still in stock. ...

Read More: Black Friday Deals, Online Black Friday Deals